CREEnergy operates as a First Nation business, that interacts with First Nation parties, to better manage the development of their natural resources for private markets. This is done through the development of joint ventures with selected oil production groups for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders, which in a First Nations business context, includes the community, and it's members.
CREEnergy acquires interests in proven producing leases with under-developed drill sites on First Nations lands. This model represents a new and innovative way to pursue oil and gas development with First Nations. It benefits companies involved in joint ventures with CREEnergy, their shareholders, and communities and outside investors, providing a strategy to participate in oil production at lesser risk.
Through its network of associations with several pre-identified First Nation reserves, primarily in Western Canada. CREEnergy has initially dedicated it's primary focus for oil and gas development in the four western provinces of Canada. Currently, CREEnergy has signed agreements on two specific First Nation reserves that have shown to have proven capability for profitable oil field development.
The success of CREEnergy is the ability of it's officers, directors, and senior management to work closely with the elders and band councils of the various First Nation reserves to ensure an orderly development of their natural resources. In keeping with the requirements of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, and with Indian Oil and Gas Canada (IOGC), CREEnergy has followed the requirements and guidelines to ensure the agreement of all parties in the best interests of the members of each First Nation reserve. In this way, CREEnergy can assure all joint venture partners of a stable and profitable working arrangement.